
Sunday, May 27, 2012

I Finally Get It!

After struggling with on-again, off-again success, I had an absolutely awful day when I experienced some deep depression and self-hate.  I gave into some cravings and immediately felt horrible.  There were a lot of tears and feelings of hopelessness.

I have read about people going on cleanses and releasing some awful emotional baggage.  I am currently on a candida cleanse.  I don't know if that had anything to do with what I went through, but  after a good night's sleep I was a different person!

I realized that the only person that can make me happy is me.  The only person that can make me succeed is me.  I must take responsibility for my own happiness, health and success.  It sounds so simple when I put it into words like that, but it was such a strong, powerful epiphany for me!  I finally got it!

Since that time I have done really well.  For the most part I am sticking with my candida cleanse, taking my supplements and eating the foods I'm supposed to.  I'm seeing progress.  Sometimes Mark and I go out to eat, or I get invited to lunch.  I do the best I can in those situations because I am not about to sit home and go nowhere.  I still have a life to live.

It has just been a lot easier, and I'm so grateful for that!

My husband took me to a sporting goods store and we ended up buying me some new shorts and shirts.  But the awesome thing is I could fit into a size 12!  Woohoo!!  The Oxycise and candida cleanse is working and I'm making some good progress.  The last time I measured myself I lost another 4.5".  You know it's 1/4" here and 1/4" there, but it all adds up.  I'm so excited I'm going to pull out some of my smaller pants and see if any of them fit.

I have three sets of measurements to post.   

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