
Sunday, May 19, 2013

I'm Back

I've become aware, perhaps more than ever, of our standard American diet and the damage it can do to our bodies.  Especially as I am getting older, I have noticed the health problems, not only obesity, but older people not being able to stand up straight, the aches and pains they have along with loss of memory and other things that supposedly are associated with "growing older."  These are good wonderful people I care about.  I see some of this as well in myself and my husband.

These conditions and diseases are not inevitable, they are preventable.  I'm so grateful that it's possible to reverse negative conditions; I really believe the body is forgiving and given the right nutrients, foods and exercise, we can remain healthy for a very long time.

That's how I want to be.  I've become more and more interested in those foods that balance the PH in the body's blood.  I've learned that when the body is overly acidic, it produces fat to protect itself.  When it is in more of an alkaline state, the body has no more need of the excess fat and releases it.  Interesting.  It really ties in with eating clean, whole food. 

I'm anxious to learn more.  I have about six more months here in South Florida.  My goal is to have this excess weight gone by the time I leave to return to Utah. The biggest challenge I see is making good choices when we eat out, especially when I get teased about it.   

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